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Dongguan 志翔 the lighting plant is a design, development, selling led the light bulb, the family led decoritive lamps, for the factory goods advanced in the electronic industry. mainly produce various led a series of the car lights led in. the highlight of a long life and energy to save electricity, the light of good quality, radiation, which is good, the response rate, with diversified, but according to the sample order. ZX lighting plant has complete and scientific quality control system. ZX lighting plant of ethics, strength and won the recognition of the quality of products industry. welcomes friends to visit ZX, and the illuminations go in business negotiation. to cooperate with our customers! wish the general customers for his eye a chance of cooperation, we sincerely welcome the electricity discussion! Use the most advanced led as a source, and traditional rashness led lights in the light of the advantages : 1)energy, save electricity. power is only equal to the traditional one, can better save fuel and protects the circuit is not to burn. the load current 2) and responsive, without delay. the traditional the light bulb is warm, and there are three seconds, even 40km initial delay of the three seconds, you can drive. no 11.11 led the structure, which is warm on, can greatly reduce 追尾 event. 3) and led a glass, such as mercury to the body's harmful substances, the environmental protection, 抗震性 european and american countries, the company modified the most popular of the new generation of the lamps. 4) and long usage life, and no need to frequent change the bulb.
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_Sally-LED.html 主营业务:stop lamp turn signal lamp instrument lamp car room lamp auto-bulb lEDlights SMDlights 经营模式:
生产型 成立年份:2008年 |
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